President of the European Parliament

Dear participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, My message can only begin with sincere thanks. Thank you because with your contribution you are on the side of the European Union in a battle of inestimable value.

The one against discrimination. whatever they are. I am proud that the European Parliament is once again hosting this important step in the awareness campaign that you have been successfully carrying out for years.

As you know, like you, the European Union also “dresses for peace”, and has been doing so for 70 years.

The entire European project was born from the ashes of the great world conflicts precisely for this purpose, to defend fundamental values ​​that we can no longer question. Values ​​such as peace and equality. Despite our best efforts, there are people every day who continue to be victims of racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination. only by color, religion. ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation or disability. We have established strict rules to combat such phenomena. From the directive on the rights of victims, which imposes more severe penalties for aggravated crimes with a discriminatory motive, to that on audiovisual services. which bans content that incites hatred on media and advertising. up to the directives on race equality, against discrimination in everyday life and in the world of work.

Then there is the European Union which also facilitates monitoring. the collection of data and the exchange of information between different networks and groups of experts. But on the front that I consider most important, I believe that a great responsibility lies in the hands of us citizens.

Culture, education and respect must be introduced into the everyday life of children and young people even before they cross the threshold of the school. And not just in words but by setting the right example in everyday life.

We must commit ourselves to return to using a different language, devoid of any incitement to hatred. Because everyone, in our small way, can do something more, starting with us politicians. You can always count on me. A warm greeting.

Antonio Tajani

foto Antonio Tajani